Department of Justice


Background and Overview

As a result of development and executive planning sessions of the Department and its constituent/attached agencies in February and March 2017, the herein Development Plan of the Department for the years 2017 to 2022 documents the strategic agenda of the Department.

The plan will serve as a framework for organizational planning, reforms, innovations and priorities of the Department and its agencies. The plan basically contains the institutional framework and assessment, strategic framework, core indicators and targets, and public investment program.

Part 1. Institutional Framework

The Department is at the forefront of the justice system through the provision of various justice services to the public and legal services to the government, in partnership with other Executive Agencies, the Judiciary and Legislature. Executive Order No. 292 s. 1987, otherwise known as the Administrative Code of 1987, provide for the following general mandates as applicable to the present functional structure of the Department1 , as follows:

1. Serve as the principal law agency of the government, both as legal counsel and prosecution arm;

2. Administer the criminal justice system in accordance with the accepted processes thereof consisting in the investigation of the crimes, prosecution of offenders and administration of the correctional system;

3. Implement the laws on the admission/stay of aliens, citizenship and land titling system; and

4. Provide free legal services to indigent members of the society.



Continue reading DOJ Development Plan (2017-2022)


DOJ Development Plan 2017-2022 (Published Version)

DOJ Development Plan 2017-2022 Strategy Matrix

DOJ Public Investment Program 2017-2022

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